How Do I Get There?
We highly recommend utilizing public transportation, BRT, taxi cabs, Uber, Lyft, or other rideshare services.
Click here for Parking Maps and Directions to Historic Breese Stevens Field
For all of those who love to Bike to Breese, our indoor Bike Valet is accessible via E. Mifflin St.
Out of consideration for our residential neighbors, parking on neighborhood streets north of East Washington Avenue is strongly discouraged.
Please Respect Our Neighbors and Residential Areas when parking on residential streets.
Cars cannot block any part of resident driveways.
Free on-street parking is available in non-residential areas near the Sylvee.
Very informative map I see above, but where would you park?
The South Livingston Street Garage. Easy peasy.
Okay, but why?
Over 630 spaces, 2 blocks from Historic Breese Stevens Field, Cheap Rates, and Open/Enforced 24/7.
Easy Breesey.
Madison Metro
Metro Transit Information:
Breese Stevens is serviced by Rapid Route A, Route B, Route C, Route D, Route 28*, and Route 38*
Paterson Station services Rapid Route A and Route B
Route C – closest stops are at the S Paterson St/Jenifer St intersection
Route D – closest stop at the E Johnson/N Paterson St intersection (eastbound); E Gorham/N Paterson St intersection (westbound)
Route 28 – closest stop at the E Johnson/N Paterson St intersection (eastbound); E Gorham/N Paterson St intersection (Westbound - Weekday service only – until 6pm)
Route 38 – closest stop at the S Paterson St/Jenifer St intersection (Weekday service only – until 6pm)
Park at the Sun Prairie Park & Ride and take Rapid Route A to get to Breese Stevens in 30 minutes
Park at the Junction Rd Park & Ride and take Rapid Route A or Route D1 to get to Breese Stevens
Click here for more information about using Madison Metro’s new BRT service!
Call (608) 266-4466 or email to receive early versions of map materials by mail.